Parental monitoring and parenting styles as predictors of deviant behaviour among undergraduate students
The study investigated parental conflict and parenting style as predictors of undergraduate students, one hundred and fifty-six (156) undergraduate students with mean age of 19.16 and SD of 1.895 were drawn using multi-stage (cluster, simple random: by balloting and purposive) sampling techniques as participants from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu. Deviant Behaviour Variety Scale (DBVS; Sanches et al., 2016), Baumrid (1971) Parental care scale and Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale (CPIC) (Grych, Seid, &Fincham, 1992) were used for data collection, a correlational design was adopted, while multiple hierarchical linear regression using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 27 software was used for data analysis. Finding shows that parental conflict (self-blame Stβ= -.009 and t= -.037, conflict properties Stβ= -.095 and t= -.394 and threat Stβ= .301 and t= 1.159 at p< .05) did not predict deviant behaviour among undergraduate student, Parenting style (authoritarian parenting Stβ= .425 and t= 1.861, permissiveness parenting Stβ= .019 and t= .100 and authoritative parenting Stβ= -.098 and t= -.433 at p < .05) did not predict deviant behaviour among undergraduate student. Hence, clinical psychologist and care givers should derive a means to handle the onset of deviant behaviour
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