Journal of Educational Research2024-09-11T12:22:43+00:00Dr. EKEKE, JOHN NDUBUEZEdrekekejohn@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: 'Aptos', serif;"><span style="aptos: Arial, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'Aptos', serif;"><span style="color: #000000;">GPH-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (E-ISSN 2795-3272 P-ISSN 2795-3264) publishes a wide range of high-quality research articles in the field (but not limited to) given below: <br>Academic Advising and Counselling, Adult Education, Art Education, Business Education, Counsellor Education, Cross-disciplinary Areas of Education, Curriculum, Research and Development, Distance Education, Early Childhood Education, etc</span></span></span></span></span>. <span style="font-size: medium;"><a title="Journal Impact Factor" href=""><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: 'Book Antiqua', serif;"><span style="helvetica: Arial, serif;"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-size: 1.5em;"><span style="text-shadow: #FF0000 0px 0px 2px;">Impact Factor: 1.124</span></span></span></span></span></span></a></span></strong></p> FOR MANKIND: GUIDELINES FOR COMMON WELFARE2024-08-25T09:20:09+00:00José Gerardo De La Vega<p><strong>This research has been developed with general scope but with an special topic for educational purposes, highlighting the benefits of promoting educational work concerning to the importance of taking into account the education for peace and the common good, perhaps as one of the main tasks of education. In this context, it is usually not clear how we should teach about the peace in the lessons, it is challenging to explore the manner to teach this topic, so this document provides an example and practical knowledge about this concern. So, a premise in this document is the fact that peace and common good should be one of the fundamental purposes of any educated society</strong></p> <p><strong>The Vatican, Holy See, in our current History plays an important roll in geopolitical matters that generates changes that are happening worldwide, always looking for the common good. The Pope Francis is one of the most recognized leaders that represent a remarkable influence during this second decade of the 21st century, and it is to be expected that his leadership will lead to changes for the international community in order to promote peace, stability and harmony.</strong></p> <p><strong>Considering the geopolitical perspective, the Vatican and the Pope Francisco represent an important influence to deliver and share relevant messages and suggestions for mankind, suggestions that as leaders as Governments in addition to other important international organizations, they are always open to listen and to understand.</strong></p> <p><strong>It is interesting to analyze the impact that Holy See has in order to influence in a positive manner in geopolitics, for the benefit of the common good. First of all, it is undeniable the global political leadership by the Pope Francis; Second, it is relevant to consider the influence of Christianity as an important ideological support of the Western world and that it even have an important friendly dialogue with other faiths and religions; and third, it is important to take in to account the influence and diplomacy of the Holy See, which has proven great contributions in benefit of resolving international conflicts.</strong></p> <p><strong>This research analyze interesting messages and press releases through which the Holy See and specially with the inspiration of Pope Francis, has made important contributions for the good of mankind in the promotion of the common welfare for all, bringing a series of teachings and useful guidelines to consider in the ongoing global crisis that faces the international community in this century.</strong></p>2024-08-25T09:20:09+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## and Development and Harmonious Passion in Electricity Distribution Firms in South-South, Nigeria2024-08-29T10:07:28+00:00Offiong, Vivian Agustinenoreplygphjournals@gmail.comYakubu, Justina Inusah<p>This study establishes the relationship between training and development and harmonious passion in electricity distribution firms in South-South, Nigeria. Three hypotheses were formulated. A population size of 367 employees from electricity companies in South-South, Nigeria. The Taro Yamane (1968) formula was used in determining the sample size of 191 for the study with which were selected based on convenience sampling method. Therefore, 191 questionnaires were distributed to the managers and owners of these firms and tested with the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The result of the analysis showed a positive and significant relationship between training and development (on-the-job training, off-the-job training, and on-boarding) and harmonious passion of electricity distribution firms in South-South, Nigeria. Based on the result, the study therefore concluded that there is a significant relationship between training and development and harmonious passion in electricity distribution firms in South-South, Nigeria. I was recommended that; Electricity distribution firms should invest in robust on-the-job training programs. It is essential for companies to offer diverse and comprehensive off-the-job training opportunities. It is still crucial to optimize the on-boarding process.</p>2024-08-29T09:57:19+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## OF TEAM TEACHING ON LEARNING OUTCOMES OF UNDERGRADUATES OF FACULTY OF EDUCATION IN RIVERS STATE UNIVERSITY2024-09-03T09:32:21+00:00Elenwo, Pritta Menyechinoreplygphjournals@gmail.comRuth Ejuwa<p>This study investigated effect of team teaching on learning outcomes of undergraduates of Faculty of Education in Rivers State University Three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study is 140 undergraduates of 2020/2021 academic session of Faculty of Rivers State University. The entire population of 140 students were studied as an intact class without sampling. The study adopted the use of two different instructional methods, the team-teaching method and the conventional lecture method. An instrument titled Learning Outcomes Test was designed and used to address the three research questions of the study. The instrument was subjected to face and content validity by three experts, one expert in the Department of Educational Management and two others in Measurement and Evaluation. The reliability of the instrument was established using test-retest reliability method while z-test statistics was used to analyze the test scores of the experimental and control groups. The result showed that undergraduates taught using parallel teaching, differentiated teaching and one-teach-one-assist had a higher mean performance score than those taught using conventional technique in the learning outcomes test. Consequently, it was recommended among that, the university should address the question of operational support whenever it is considering parallel teaching because teachers are sometimes emotionally drained teaching diverse students, the university should support teachers’ utilization of differentiated teaching by motivating them to maximize teacher leadership and one-teach-one-assist should be use when one teacher has more expertise in the topic and when individual student needs more assistance in the university.</p>2024-09-03T09:32:21+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## FACED BY STUDENTS WHEN USING PHET SIMULATIONS IN SCIENCE EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY IN HAI PHONG CITY2024-09-07T07:41:05+00:00Thuan Thi Thi<p>This study investigates the challenges faced by secondary school students in Hai Phong, Vietnam, when using PhET simulations in science education. PhET simulations are widely recognized for their ability to enhance students' understanding of scientific concepts through interactive and hands-on experiences. However, the effective implementation of these tools in classrooms can be hindered by various obstacles. The primary objectives of this research were to identify the specific challenges students encounter, assess the impact of these challenges on learning outcomes, and propose solutions to improve the effectiveness of PhET simulations in science education. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gather comprehensive data from 265 students across multiple grade levels. The findings reveal that students experience significant technical difficulties, such as issues with device compatibility and unstable internet connections. Additionally, cognitive challenges were identified, with students reporting difficulties in understanding the scientific concepts presented in the simulations. A considerable number of students also expressed the need for additional guidance from teachers, indicating that insufficient instructional support is a key barrier to the effective use of PhET simulations.</p> <p>These challenges have important implications for science education. Without addressing these obstacles, the potential benefits of PhET simulations may be limited, leading to reduced student engagement and suboptimal learning outcomes. The study concludes by recommending strategies to mitigate these challenges, including enhancing technical infrastructure, providing targeted teacher training, and developing supplementary instructional materials. By implementing these solutions, educators can better integrate PhET simulations into their teaching practices, thereby maximizing their educational value. while PhET simulations hold great promise for improving science education, their effectiveness is contingent on overcoming technical, cognitive, and instructional barriers. This study contributes valuable insights to the discourse on technology integration in education and offers practical recommendations for enhancing the use of educational simulations in diverse learning environments.</p>2024-09-07T07:41:05+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## of Owho-nu-ogwu (Deified Symbols of Justice truth) among the Ikwerre of Niger Delta2024-09-07T10:24:23+00:00Imoh, Sydney<p><em>Owho-nu-ogwu</em> are two different deified ritual symbols which complement each other in Ikwerre worldview. These two ritual symbols occupy a central and unique place in Ikwerre ritual balance. This is because the people believe that these two cultic symbols can vindicate anyone who is accused falsely as well as punish any offender in line with their customs and traditions, but the belief and practices associated with them are gradually going into extinction as a result of modern forces of change such as westernization. This article, therefore, re-examines the typologies these symbols in Ikwerre religious thought. The article adopted the symbolic interactionism theory as its framework which states that the meaning of symbols is imposed on what the users interpret them to mean. The article adopted both the analytical and descriptive approaches. Our findings so far revealed that the belief in these cultic symbols is still relevant to the people in-spite of the devastating effects of modern changes. The work therefore, recommends that the socio-cultural values of these symbols should not be misconceived as “fetish” as most Christians see it, but rather be seen as institutionalised practice which they inherited from their forebears. The work also recommended that these practices should not go into extinction, but a way through which their culture is kept.</p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## jeu dramatique au service de la compétence communicationnelle, cas du cycle secondaire qualifiant2024-09-11T12:22:43+00:00Doha<p>Communiquer dans une langue étrangère désigne, de prime abord, une appropriation active de la compétence communicative. En effet, pour estimer le degré de maitrise d’une langue étrangère chez un élève, ce dernier est tenu d’être capable de véhiculer ses pensées, de défendre son point de vue et aussi et surtout d’établir une discussion avec ses camarades de classe.</p> <p>Toutefois, l’enseignement du français langue étrangère dans les lycées marocains présente différents défis. Les élèves trouvent des difficultés pour s’exprimer, aussi bien à l’oral qu’à l’écrit, dans une langue qui n’est pas la leur.</p> <p>Par ailleurs, cet article va mettre au clair la dimension orale de l’enseignement du FLE (Français langue étrangère) vu qu’elle est le pôle le plus craint et qui constitue l’obstacle fréquemment rencontré par les élèves lycéens. (Un constat confirmé à partir des questionnaires émis aux élèves des troncs communs).L’enseignement de l’oral peut s’avérer, dès lors, une tâche superlativement délicate d’autant plus que l’enseignant devrait choisir avec soin les activités orales qui puissent permettre aux élèves l’épanouissement de leurs expressions orales.</p> <p>Le choix de ce sujet s’expliquepar la volonté de rendre de la classe d’activité orale un espace de dynamise et d’épanouissement tant artistique que communicatif. Notre objectif consiste par ailleurs à sensibiliser l’enseignant quant à la pertinence et à l'emploi du jeu dramatique comme moyen pédagogique d'affermissement des compétences langagières orales des élèves. Il est donc essentiel de se demander : Dans quelle mesure le jeu dramatique favorise-t-il la compétence communicative chez les élèves lycéens ?</p>2024-09-11T12:22:03+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##