• NDJE, CHRIST URIELA EMILIE MA student at the Pan-African University for Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS), hosted by the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI)
  • SEBESTIAN, GANDU (Dr.) Lecturer of Interpretation Studies at the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters, (ASTI), University of Buea.
Keywords: Challenges, prospects, Cameroon female interpreters, work-life balance


The current research aims at investigating the challenges Cameroon female interpreters face in maintaining work-life balance.It is a sociological study of the challenges faced by female interpreters in maintaining work-life balance in an African context where they are equally expected to be devoted housewives, in addition to being career women.Most youths investing in this field may never know what the field holds for them as professionals are usually distant and only mirror the good side of things.Based on a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach, the study draws data from six (6) interviews and fifty (50) questionnaires. Findings revealed that Cameroon female interpreters face challenges related to family responsibilities, professional demands, health issues, disorganisation, financial constraints, job dissatisfaction, gender, stigmatisation, sexual harassment and incompetence. Results equally showed that the challenges faced across the three generations sampled are significantly similar by 88% and only different by 12%.  Somecoping strategiesto balance work and life are:defining priorities, having support systems, adopting healthy lifestyle, making consensus, sticking to values and beliefs, and investing in capacity building..


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