No matter how great your research output is, it will only have impact if other researchers, librarians and the general public find it. That why we work very hard to increase the visibility of our journal and support authors in promoting their research output by indexing in reputable organization around the globe.
Here are few places where we are indexed:
All the research works published by us will be uniquely identified by digital object identifier(DOI) supplied by a reputable indexing and repository platform.
The Google Scholar index is similar to an index in a library, which lists information about all the books the library has available. However, instead of books, the Google index lists all of the webpages that Google knows about.If Google doesn’t index your website, then you’re pretty much invisible.To this end we make it our duty to ensure that all our contents and publications are index in Google. We take this very serious because a good idea for ranking higher in search engines and visibility is search engine optimization.
The CiteFactor server provides indexing of major international journals and proceedings. All the journal pages have pointers to Web pages of the publishers which are integrated into the CiteFactor stream pages.The purpose is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals.
Directory of Research Journals Indexing
DRJI provides ready access to education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. Directory of Research Journals Indexing is a free online service that helps you to find web resources for your articles and research. With millions of resources available on the Internet, it can be difficult to find useful material. We have reviewed and evaluated thousands of resources to help you choose key websites in your subject. Our indexed journals will be submitted to all social networks and world’s top most indexing and they will be displayed on world’s top electronic library. In short, all journals will reach all continents.
DOAJ Indexing. (Processing, Not Indexed Yet)
The Directory of Open Access Journals is a website that hosts a community-curated list of open access journals, maintained by Infrastructure Services for Open Access.
Root Society for Indexing and Impact Factor Service ( is a society that provides indexing to all types of online and offline journals for optimized visibility of research works and also provide.
ResearchBib is a free academic database that indexes and provides open access to peer-reviewed journals, full text papers, research conferences & positions.
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index is a journal indexing and impact Factor Calculation service based on Eurasian Citation Reports and Eurasian Scientific Index.
CORE is the world’s largest aggregator of open access research papers from repositories and journals. It is a not-for-profit service dedicated to the open access mission. We serve the global network of repositories and journals by increasing the discoverability and reuse of open access content. We provide solutions for content management, discovery and scalable machine access to research. Our services support a wide range of stakeholders, specifically researchers, the general public, academic institutions, developers, funders and companies from a diverse range of sectors including but not limited to innovators, AI technology companies, digital library solutions and pharma.
The ISI server provides indexing of major international journals and proceedings. Author can get information about international journal impact factor, proceedings (research papers) and information on upcoming events. All the journal pages have pointers to Web pages of the publishers which are integrated into the ISI stream pages.
Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) objective is to provide quality information to the researcher. SIS offering academic database services to researcher. It’s mainly: citation indexing, analysis, and maintains citation databases covering thousands of academic journals, books, proceedings and any approved documents SIS maintains academic database services to researchers, journal editors and publishers. SIS focuses on: citation indexing, citation analysis, and maintains citation databases covering thousands of academic journals.
BASE is a multi-disciplinary search engine to scholarly internet resources, created by Bielefeld University Library in Bielefeld, Germany. It is based on free and open-source software such as Apache Solr and VuFind.
Scholar Article Journal Index provides various online journal, peer-reviewed journal, scientific journal, literary journal, research and scholarly journal listing and indexing service to the online and academic publishers for their journal ranking, impact, higher acceptability, and excellence worldwide.
Zenodo is a general-purpose open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN where publishers and developers to archive data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artifacts.
OpenAIRE is a European project supporting Open Science, harvesting research output from connected data providers. OpenAIRE aims to establish an open and sustainable scholarly communication infrastructure responsible for the overall management, analysis, manipulation, provision, monitoring and cross-linking of all research outcomes. It serves as an international indexing platform.
Run by Indiana University, the Digital Library of the Commons (DLC) Repository is a multidisciplinary journal repository that allows users to access thousands of free and OA articles from around the world. You can browse by document type, date, author, title, and more or search for keywords relevant to your topic.
Further Indexing and Abstracting are in progress.
We shall continue to expand our indexing to optimize the sites SEO and to increase the visibility of research papers published in our journals