GPH-International Journal of Business Management <p style="font-family: Aptos;"><strong><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: 'Aptos', serif;"><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'Aptos', serif;"><span style="color: #000000;">The scopes of the journal include but are not limited to, the following fields: Accounting, Advertising Management, Business &amp; Economics, Business Ethics, Business Intelligence, Business Law, Business Performance Management, Business Statistics, Change Management, Communications Management, Comparative Economic Systems,&nbsp; Corporate Finance and Governance,&nbsp; Development Planning and Policy, Organizational Communication, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles, Product Management, Production and Organizations, Production/Operations Management, Time Management, Total Quality Management, Travel/Transportation/Tourism, Welfare Economics.<span style="font-size: medium;"><a title="Journal Impact Factor" href=""><span style="font-size: 1.5em;"><span style="text-shadow: #FF0000 0px 0px 2px;">Impact Factor: 2.404</span></span></a></span></span></span></span></span></strong></p> en-US <p>Author(s) and co-author(s)&nbsp;jointly&nbsp;and severally represent and warrant that the Article is original with the author(s) and does not infringe any&nbsp;copyright or violate any other right of any third parties and that the Article has not been published&nbsp;elsewhere.&nbsp;Author(s) agree to the terms that the <strong>GPH Journal</strong> will have the full right to remove the published article on any misconduct found in the published article.</p> (Dr. EKEKE, JOHN NDUBUEZE) (Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy) Sat, 08 Jun 2024 11:53:48 +0000 OJS 60 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CATTLE CORPORATION VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (CASE STUDY OF THE BABULU BRAHMAN JAYA LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION) <p><strong>This research aims to evaluate the implementation performance achievements of the Babulu Brahman Jaya livestock breeder corporation in the first year based on indicators of corporate performance achievements which include breeding and production aspects, feed aspects, animal health aspects, veterinary public health aspects, and processing and marketing aspects of livestock products. This research took place from July 2023 to May 2024. Location selection was carried out deliberately (purposive sampling). Meanwhile, sampling uses (proportionate random sampling) in 5 villages, namely: Kelompok Tani Petani Maju, Labangka Barat Village, Kelompok Tani Mugirejo Mandiri, Babulu Darat Village, Kelompok Tani Lestari, Gunung Intan Village, Kelompok Tani Karya Utama, Gunung Mulia Village and Kelompok Tani Sumber Mulyo, Gunung Makmur Village, members of the Babulu Brahman Jaya Livestock Production Cooperative in the Babulu District, Penajam Paser Utara Regency, East Kalimantan. Primary data was obtained from direct interviews with members of the Babulu Brahman Jaya Livestock Production Cooperative who were assisted with a list of questions (questionnaire) and direct observation in the field. This aims to determine the condition of the research object, as well as to obtain clear information about the respondent's condition. Secondary data was obtained from agencies related to this research, such as the East Kalimantan Department of Livestock, and Statistics of&nbsp; East Kalimantan. The research results show that the performance achievement of the Babulu Brahman Jaya cooperative is 80.52% (effective) while the score on the breeding and production indicator is 2,081, which is in the high category, the score on the feed indicator is 1,331, which is in the high category, the score on the animal health indicator is 1,810, which is in the high category, the score on the veterinary health indicator is 397, which is in the medium category, the score on the indicator management and marketing of 1,497 livestock products is in the low category. Performance achievement of breeding and production indicators is 93% (very effective), performance achievement of feed indicators is 85.32% (effective), performance achievement of livestock health indicators is 96.11% (very effective), performance achievement of veterinary health indicators is 67.86% (less effective), caused by a lack of awareness among farmers to protect and improve human physical, mental and social welfare, performance indicators for managing and marketing livestock products are 62.53% (less effective) due to the lack of functioning of the cooperative management function.</strong></p> Rosdina Napitupulu, Ibrahim Ibrahim, Taufan Purwokusumaning Daru ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sovereign Debt and Economic Development: Evidence from Nigeria <p>Sovereign debt is a critical fiscal policy instrument used by government to achieve its set macroeconomic objective making it a critical subject in economics and finance and hence our motivationfor the need to examined the impact of sovereign debt on economic development of Nigeria. Sovereign debt was broken into external debt, domestic debt and debt services while economic development was proxied by per capita income. Annual time series data from 1990 to 2021 obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin was used for analysis while statistical method of analysis employed include the ARDL and its associated bond test which was motivated by the fractional order of integrated observed in the Philip Perron Unit root test and the granger causality test. Results showed absence of long run equilibrium relationship between sovereign debt and economic development and that in the short run, all the debt component studied showed insignificant negative association with per capital income. The causality test showed presence of a unidirectional causality flowing from per capita income to external debt and debt services while a bidirectional causality was recorded between domestic debt and per capita income. The study recommends the need for sovereign borrowing to be channeled into economic activities that have the capability of generating further income and further improve the lives of citizens.</p> Cookey, Uche Clinton, Anyanwu, Anthonia Chikamunele ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 09 Jun 2024 12:34:07 +0000 DEVELOPING GREEN HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION <p><strong>The digital transformation trend continuously poses significant challenges for enterprises and organizations in adapting to new technological platforms. In addition, social responsibility commitments also require organizations and businesses to ensure sustainable development. Thus, the development of green human resources has become a decisive factor for the success of an organization. Green human resources are not only workers with professional knowledge and skills about the environment but also pioneering employees with a high awareness of the impact of business activities on the environment and society. However, the development of green human resources in businesses will face many challenges from finding skilled, knowledgeable human resources to training and maintaining a green culture in the organization. To overcome these challenges, enterprises need long-term investment and commitment in time, effort, and finance. This article analyzes the role and development trends of green human resources in the context of digital transformation. It offers recommendations to support businesses in overcoming challenges in building green human resources</strong></p> Nguyen Manh Duc ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Public Expenditure Pattern and Economic Performance: The Nigerian Analytical Evidence <p>Thrust by the gains of counter-cyclical policy inseveral economies but the persistent economic realities in Nigeria, despite the policy;this study looked at how Nigeria's economic performance was affected by patterns in public spending. Econometric model and estimation procedures were employed to analyse the time series data obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria reports (1981-2022). The analytical procedures include: Descriptive statistics to ascertain the normality of the distribution, Unit root tests was conducted with Augmented Dickey Fuller and Phillips-Perron parameters to prove the Stationarity of variables as integrated at first difference; Johansen cointegration model was used to estimate the existence of long run equilibrium relationship between the public expenditure pattern (capital and recurrent) and real gross domestic product (RGDP). The study also employed Parsimonious Error Correction model (PECM) to estimate the drift manner of the real GDP from the long run equilibrium relationship due to change in public expenditure pattern and the speed rate at correctional adjustment. The results indicate the presence of long run equilibrium relationship between the public expenditure dimensions and real gross domestic product. It also revealed appropriate and significant error correction estimation with coefficient (-0.129380) indicating an adjustment speed of the real GDP at disequilibrium back to the relationship as 12.9%. Specifically, the hypothetical test result on capital expenditure and real GDP suggests positive effect but insignificant. Similarly, recurrent expenditure affected real GDP positively but insignificantly. Thefindings portray trend in the short run period and tends to justify the theoretical hypotheses. However, it is concluded that public expenditure pattern has positive but insignificant effect on economic performance in Nigeria. Therefore, it is recommended for policy action of government to implement fiscal expenditures that would achieve infrastructures that impact on the economy through multiplier effect and not invest in spending that only increase aggregate demands of economic units which may cause inflation that deplete economic performance.</p> SYDER, Inuadume Daniel, BELLO, Bilikis Modupeola ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 19 Jun 2024 10:19:32 +0000 Credit Management and Financial Performance: Evidence from Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria <p><em>This research evaluated the effect of credit management practices on the financial performance of deposit money banks listed on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) between 2014 and 2023. The study utilized correlation and ex-post facto research methodologies. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and multiple regressions. Secondary data were sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria's statistical bulletin and the Audited Annual Reports of the listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study used net interest margin (NIM) as a measure of bank performance, while credit risk, liquidity risk, and asset quality served as the independent variables. Firm size was also included as a control variable. The research findings indicate that credit risk has a non-significant negative correlation with financial performance. Additionally, liquidity risk shows a significant negative correlation with financial performance, whereas asset quality demonstrates a non-significant negative correlation with the financial performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Based on these results, the study recommends that deposit money banks should enhance their capabilities in credit management analysis. Moreover, banks should strive to maintain a well-balanced portfolio of liquid assets that can be quickly converted into cash without significant loss in value. Lastly, banks are advised to conduct thorough asset quality audits to ensure effective management and compliance with all relevant standards and regulations.</em></p> Chukwuma Collins, Aloysius E. Agada ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 22 Jun 2024 11:20:39 +0000 INVENTORY CONTROL STRATEGIES AND SUPPLY CHAIN VIABILITY OF DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM INDUSTRY IN RIVERS STATE <p>The purpose of this study was to investigate the link existing between inventory control strategies and supply chain viabilityusing downstream petroleum firms in Rivers State,Nigeria. This study adopted cross-sectional survey design. Questionnaires was the key instrument for data generation. The respondents were 134downstream petroleum staff in Rivers State. The study adoptedcensus since the population was not large, thus there was no need of sampling. Cronbach’s alpha test was adoptedto test the reliabilityof the instrument. The Pearson Moment Product Correlation Coefficient was used to test postulated hypotheses. The studyfinds out that,inventory control strategies significantly improve supply chain resilience and sustainable supply chain of downstream petroleum firms. Thus,by implementing inventory control strategies, thesefirms will improve their supply chain resilience and sustainable supply chain, and in turnthe attainable of their goal(s). It was recommended that, downstream petroleum firms should implement full inventory control strategies for effective and strong supply chain resilience and sustainable supply chain. Downstream petroleum firms should conduct regular assessment of their inventory control strategies in order to be updated with current realities for better supply chain resilience and sustainable supply chain.</p> Jekey, Lekue, Nzor, Smart Noel ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 28 Jun 2024 14:18:47 +0000 Audit Committee Attributes and Financial Performance: Evidence from Selected Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria <p><em>This study examined the effect of Audit Committee Attributes on Financial Performance listed deposit money banks in Nigeria.</em><em> Audit committee size, gender diversity and audit committee meeting were proxy for audit committee attributes while financial performance was measured with return on asset.</em> <em>Ex-post facto research design was adopted and secondary data were collected from annual reports and accounts of selected deposit money banks covering ten years from 2014 to 2023. </em><em>The population of the study comprised of the 15 deposit money banks listed on Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) as at 31<sup>st</sup> December, 2023. </em><em>The study purposively selected ten (10) banks based on the availability of their annual reports. </em><em>The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and multiple regressions. </em><em>The findings revealed that audit committee size has a negative and insignificant effect on return on asset, gender diversity has positive and significant effect on firm performance measured with return on asset, while audit committee meeting exhibit negative and significant effect on return on asset of selected listed deposit money banks. Based on the findings, this study therefore recommended that firm should sustain frequencies of audit committee meetings, so as to ensure that the committee has enough time to take decisions that will enhance financial performance.</em></p> Aloysius E. Agada, Mary S. Lazarus ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 02 Jul 2024 07:25:46 +0000