Institutional Ownership and Insolvency Risk: The moderating Role of Share Ownership Concentration in Nigeria
Sequel to seeming paradox of having institutional shareholders and growing business mortality rate, despite their reputation of monitoring expertise, this study was carried out to evaluate the impact of institutional ownership oninsolvency risk of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria, within the moderating framework of share ownership concentration. Insolvency risk was measured using Altman’s Z-score to construct insolvency probability, based on the Z-score as log-odd ratio function of solvency probability. Institutional ownership and share ownership concentration were operationalized in terms of their proportion to total number of shares in issue. Secondary data were collected from the annual financial reports of thirty-three listed manufacturing companies, using purposive sampling technique. Multiple linear regression was used as the statistical tool. Following analyses, it was found that institutional ownership exerts negative impact on insolvency risk, while ownership concentration exerts positive influence on insolvency risk. But when the moderating influence of share ownership concentration was isolated and put under control, insolvency risk’s response coefficient became a decreasing linear function of share ownership concentration. Therefore, this study has produced conclusive evidence that the avowed monitoring effectiveness of institutional shareholders depends on their block-shareholding status, without which they gravitatetowards passive opportunism.Hence, among other recommendations, companies with high concentration of corporate share ownership should seek to attract institutional investors and create incentives for them to maintain high equity stakes in order to minimize their insolvency risk.
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