Enhancing Farmer Engagement in Cooperatives: Implications of Awareness and Interest

  • Edmund Carlos B. Avila
  • Mark Cesar R. Del Rosario
  • Johnrei Maleniza
  • Nico Arjo C. Mora
  • Nico A. Ogarte
  • Jacob Q. Rodriguez
  • Christian Ryan A. Velasco
Keywords: Farmer Engagement, Cooperatives, Awareness, Interest, Farmers


This study aimed to identify the motivations of farmers in Camarines Sur, Philippines to join cooperatives. By examining their awareness and interest levels, the researchers used a descriptive-correlational research design and gathered data from 308 farmers through surveys and interviews. The findings showed that most farmers were married, male, had completed high school, owned small landholdings, and had limited income. Many farmers lacked awareness about the benefits of joining cooperatives, especially the personal benefits, which impacted their interest in joining. The study found that economic factors like access to financial aid for seeds, fertilizers, and equipment were the biggest reasons farmers showed interest in cooperatives. Personal motivations, such as individual growth opportunities, were less influential due to low outreach. There was also a strong connection between farmers' awareness of financial benefits and their willingness to join cooperatives. Barriers to joining cooperatives included lack of information, distrust, and the lack of cooperatives near the farmers. The study crafted Project Enganyo, a strategy for continuous improvement within cooperatives to address these challenges and enhance farmer involvement. Strategies such as highlighting financial benefits, offering clear communication, and supporting market access could encourage more farmers to join cooperatives. Addressing these issues can improve farmer engagement and support sustainable agricultural development in Camarines Sur.


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How to Cite
Avila, E., Del Rosario, M. C. R., Maleniza, J., Mora, N., Ogarte, N., Rodriguez, J., & Velasco, C. R. (2025). Enhancing Farmer Engagement in Cooperatives: Implications of Awareness and Interest. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 8(01), 37-68. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14617242