Empowering local brands: The role of government and marketing in driving growth

  • Kisscheele R. Delovieres
  • Kimberly C. Mondala
  • Maria Crestine E. Montalban
  • Pantaleon Jr. A. Morallos
  • Nico A. Ogarte
  • Johnine A. Sia
  • Luzien Justina E. Torres
  • Leslie T. Zeta
Keywords: Marketing, Local Brands, Local MSMEs, Impact of Local Government


Branding creates a unique identity that resonates with consumers' emotions and values, enabling small businesses to thrive globally, with initiatives like One Town One Product (OTOP) balancing local authenticity and international appeal. Local brands act as cultural ambassadors, enhancing national identity and driving economic growth, while consumer ethnocentrism fosters loyalty to local products. Government support plays a key role in fostering innovation and expanding market opportunities for MSMEs. This study explores the impact of marketing strategies and government support on local businesses and community development, using a descriptive-correlational design with data from 50 MSME owners or managers in Camarines Sur. The findings led to the development of the APPA Model, "Assessing Products and Profit Advancement," which provides two integrable marketing strategies for MSMEs and governments, emphasizing sustainability, flexibility, and modern principles. The model's spiral-shaped design highlights priorities, balancing cost-efficient strategies with actionable forecasted data for businesses and focusing on subsidization, regulation, and infrastructure for governments. It encourages adaptation, ethical practices, and competitive advantages for sustainable growth. Local governments support MSMEs by addressing financial disparities through accessible financing options like microloans, grants, and subsidies, enabling businesses to invest in marketing, infrastructure, and operations. Tailored support, such as mentorship and networking, helps newer businesses establish a market presence. Strategic policies, streamlined processes, and infrastructure investment boost MSME competitiveness, promoting long-term economic growth. The APPA Model fosters a collaborative ecosystem for sustainable local enterprise development by aligning resources with business needs.


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How to Cite
Delovieres, K., Mondala, K., Montalban, M. C., Morallos, P. J., Ogarte, N., Sia, J., Torres, L. J., & Zeta, L. (2025). Empowering local brands: The role of government and marketing in driving growth. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 8(01), 01-36. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14599418