This study was carried out to ascertain the parental involvement and self- efficacy as predictors of secondary school student’s interest in Biology in Nsukka Education Zone. Three research questions guided the study and three null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level of significance. Design of the study was correlation survey. The population of the study comprised of 1,529 SS2 students offering biology in Nsukka Education Zone. The sample size was 475 students selected out from the population of 1529 SS2 students offering biology in the 62 public secondary schools in the zone using a multi stage sampling techniques, simple random procedure by balloting and purposive sampling procedure. The instruments for the data collection were structured questionnaires titled Parental Involvement Questionnaire (PIQ), Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SEQ) and Biology interest inventory (BII) which was validated by three experts. The reliability of the instruments was established using Cronbach alpha reliability co-efficient to test for internal consistency of the items which yielded reliability indices of 0.89 for PIQ, 0.83 for SEQ and 0.90 for BII. The results revealed, among other things, that, secondary school students’ parental involvement is significant predictor of students’ interest scores in biology.
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