Choosing a career that aligns with student’s interests, skills and values considerably increases their chances of socio-economic accomplishment, personal satisfaction and overall happiness in life. The study investigated career orientation as a determinant for career choice in librarianship among final year students in federal unity schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The study populations were 937 final year students in Federal Unity Schools, Lagos State. 50 percent of the entire population was used bringing the sample size to 468 respondents. Questionnaire was the data collection instrument, data collected were analysed using SPSS version 24 and results were presented in frequency table using percentage count, mean and standard deviation. The study found that the overall mean of career orientation of student was “33.37” and it was concluded that the level of career orientation of final year students in Federal Unity Schools in Lagos State, Nigeria was average. Also, the overall mean of career choice in librarianship was “28.39” which indicates average level of career choice in librarianship among final year students in Federal Unity Schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. The test of hypotheses showed a positive linear relationship between career orientation and career choice among final year students in Federal Unity schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study concluded that career choice in librarianship is dependent on extensive career orientation of secondary school students. It was recommended that qualified professionals in librarianship and guidance and counselling should be engaged to help the students take advantage of the numerous opportunities that abound in librarianship profession among others.
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