Influence of Teachers Pedagogical ICT Training on The Integration of ICT in Teaching the English Language in Secondary Schools in Nyandarua County, Kenya
The learning environment has changed where ICT enhances mastery of the content, provides wide-ranging information, and also provides teachers with a variety in the presentation of content. The purpose of this study was to determine the integration of ICT in teaching the English Language in secondary schools in Nyandarua County, Kenya. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of teachers' pedagogical ICT training on the integration of ICT in teaching the English language in secondary schools in Nyandarua County, Kenya. The study used the Constructivism theory by Vygotsky and Piaget. A survey research design was used. The study population was 168 public secondary schools and 392 teachers of English Language in Nyandarua County. Using 30% the researcher arrived at a sample of 50.4 and 117.6 respectively. Hence, a total number of 118 teachers of 50 public schools were sampled using a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using a checklist and questionnaires. By conducting test-retest reliability of the questionnaire using SPSS version 22, an index of .782 was realized. The obtained data were analyzed systematically using descriptive statistics and presented using frequency tables, and percentages. The study findings from the questionnaire revealed that pedagogical skills affected ICT integration in teaching the English Language. The results of this study were expected to provide insights to the Ministry of Education in Kenya to improve the low use of ICT in teaching English language skills and help in formulating strategies of making teachers blend the traditional method of teaching with ICT which will consequently enhance students mastery of content.
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