Translation market in Madagascar

  • RAKOTOARISOA, Fanja Malala MA student at the Pan-African University for Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS) hosted by the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI)
  • Peem, Laure Senior Lecturer of translation studies, ASTI-University of Buea
  • Fandio, Pierre Professor of Letters and Human Sciences, University of Buea
Keywords: Translation, supply and demand, regulation, need for professionalization, Madagascar


This study, titled "The Translation Market in Madagascar," focuses on analyzing the translation sector in the country, highlighting the key market players and the obstacles hindering its development. The primary aim of this research is to identify the challenges faced by the market and propose solutions to enhance its structure and professionalization. The study is based on two main hypotheses: first, that the translation market in Madagascar suffers from insufficient organization; and second, that the key players in the market are translators and clients. Furthermore, the analysis explores issues related to translator training and the lack of market regulation.

To achieve these objectives, a mixed-methods approach was adopted, combining both quantitative and qualitative techniques. Data collection involved distributing 25 questionnaires to translators and conducting three semi-structured interviews with stakeholders. The collected data were analyzed using theories related to the translation market, Tseng's model, and the actional theory of translation.

The study’s findings confirmed the initial hypotheses. It was established that the translation market in Madagascar indeed lacks proper organization, characterized by excessive openness that allows the entry of unqualified actors, thus hindering the profession’s development. It was also found that the majority of translators are considered "native" professionals, and that most are women, translating primarily between their A and B languages. The absence of standardized pricing and recurring invoicing issues were identified as significant barriers to market regulation. Finally, despite the diversity of texts being translated, the sector’s major challenges remain the lack of specialized training in translation and the urgent need to structure the market to ensure its sustainability and professionalization.


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How to Cite
Fanja Malala, R., Laure, P., & Pierre, F. (2025). Translation market in Madagascar. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 8(01), 282-301.