The Role of Machine Translation (MT) in the Promotion of National African languages

  • Bakary Manka Master of Arts (M.A.) in Translation at Pan-African University Institute for Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS), Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI), University of Buea
  • Thomas Njie Losenje (PhD) Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI), University of Buea
  • Sakwe George Mbotake Prof. Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI), University of Buea
Keywords: Machine Translation (MT), Language Promotion, National African languages, Standardized Terminology, linguistic complexity


This study set out to investigate the Role of Machine Translation (MT) in the Promotion of National African languages. This study therefore, aims at exploring how MT can facilitate the promotion of national African languages, identify associated challenges, and propose strategies for optimizing its effectiveness. A mixed-method research design was employed, combining data collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The analysis was conducted using Excel and SPSS. The findings reveal a general positive perception of the potential of MT to promote national African languages. Notably, 36.78% of respondents believe that MT could effectively bridge communication gaps across linguistic barriers. In addition, 35.23% of participants emphasize its role in fostering language learning and facilitating cultural exchange. Furthermore, 23.83% of the respondents view MT as a tool for disseminating knowledge in national African languages. However, challenges such as the linguistic complexity of various dialects, standardized terminology, data security concerns, accuracy and quality limitations, the inability of MT to capture idiomatic expressions, the absence of linguistic databases, and cultural nuances were identified as major obstacles. To overcome these obstacles, this study recommends enhancing MT systems’ linguistic and cultural competence, expanding language coverage, and improving user-friendliness. Additionally, collaborative efforts among stakeholders— including language authorities, policymakers, technologists, local communities, and active end-user involvement —are essential for successful implementation


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How to Cite
Manka, B., Njie Losenje, T., & George Mbotake, S. (2025). The Role of Machine Translation (MT) in the Promotion of National African languages. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 8(01), 235-281.