Les Stratégies de Préparation de Réunion: le cas des Interprètes Gabonais
Gabon, open to globalization, is currently involved in numerous international organizations such as the African Union. This integration has led to an increased demand for interpretation services. On the ground, Gabonese interpreters frequently face challenges such as limited access to documents, time pressure, and the lack of briefings before meetings. This article aims to explore Gabonese interpreters’ strategies to overcome these obstacles. The study is grounded in three theoretical frameworks: Roman Jakobson's theory of communication, Jay B.'s (1991) resource theory, and Richard Hackman's (1990) theories on collaboration and coordination. These frameworks underscore the importance of effective communication that considers both the speaker and the audience, as well as the value of coordinated teamwork. A questionnaire and interviews were used as data collection instruments. Thirty-four interpreters responded to the questionnaire, and six interpreters participated in the interviews. The results were analysed using the chi-square test to verify the hypothesis. Statistically, the findings indicated that increased linguistic immersion, thorough subject research, and continuous practice contribute to high-quality interpretation outcomes (Chi-square = 46.247, p-value = 0.003 < 0.05), with a high explanatory power of 82.7% (Pseudo R-squared [Nagelkerke] = 0.827). Therefore, this hypothesis was accepted. It is recommended that organizations utilizing interpretation services provide interpreters with all relevant meeting information in a timely manner.
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