Implications of understanding by design in developing problem-based learning models with a teaching at the right level (TaRL) approach on the subject of arithmetic rows

  • USMADI USMADI Muhammadiyah University West Sumatera, Padang, Indonesia
  • ASRIZAL ASRIZAL Muhammadiyah University West Sumatera, Padang, Indonesia
  • ERGUSNI ERGUSNI Muhammadiyah University West Sumatera, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Understanding by Design, Learning Model, Learning Model Syntax, Assessment


This research attempts to develop innovative learning models that address students' concerns in the classroom. The development process employs the Understanding by Design (UbD) method with the following steps: 1) identify problems in learning, 2) determine assessment evidence, 3) plan learning.  The results of this development research are: 1. Problem Based Learning Model with Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) Approach on the subject of arithmetic rows, 2. Assessment results; Assessment for learning and assessment as learning.  The syntax of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Model with the Teaching At The Right Level (TaRL) Approach on arithmetic row material is: 1) Preliminary Activities; Orientation, perception, providing simpler questions, providing meaningful comprehension, providing motivation, orienting learners to problems ( Syntax 1 PBL); 2) Core Activities; Organizing learners to learn (Syntax 2 PBL),Guiding students both individually and in groups (Syntax 3 PBL), Assisting students develop and present work (Syntax 4 PBL), Helping students to analyse and evaluate the problem-solving process (Syntax 5 PBL); 3) Concluding Activities; Help learners analyse and evaluate the problem-solving process (Syntax 5 PBL). The results of the assessment provide an overview that all learning objectives are generally achieved, while the results obtained from assessment as learning in the form of reflection on the learning process and self-reflection of students show a positive response, this can be seen from the answers written by students on the reflection sheet. In general, the students are pleased with the learning model applied.


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Observation Results:

Educator Reflection:



Learner reflection:

How to Cite
USMADI, U., ASRIZAL, A., & ERGUSNI, E. (2025). Implications of understanding by design in developing problem-based learning models with a teaching at the right level (TaRL) approach on the subject of arithmetic rows. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 8(01), 68-96.