Attitudes of Teachers towards the Development of Achievement Motivation in Primary Schools in Nnewi North Local Government Area of Anambra State
Primary school teachers, like all other teachers in different sectors of education, have a set of roles to perform, to enable the predetermined objectives of the primary school to be attained. According to Idumanje (2002), motivation is generally regarded as the drive to achieve targets or goals, and therefore must be maintained for academic achievement. Motivation provides an important foundation to complete cognitive behavior, such as planning, organization, decision-making, learning, and assessments (Pintrich & Schunk, 2006).
Achievement motivation for Reynolds (2006) can be conditioned in individuals at the early state of life through training, experiences and subsequent learning. Furthermore children usually acquire the achievement motive from their parent's lifestyle and teachers’ attitudes. Studies on attitude of teachers towards developing achievement motivation in pupils have shown that, children whose independent training starts at an early age and those whose teachers give more autonomy within a cooperative, encouraging and less authoritarian classroom environment usually develop an achievement oriented attitude. These key areas were investigated by the researcher to establish development of achievement motivation among primary school pupils. This study therefore propose to explore attitudes of teachers towards the development of achievement motivation in primary school pupils very relevant among school pupils
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