This research has been developed with general scope but with an special topic for educational purposes, highlighting the benefits of promoting educational work concerning to the importance of taking into account the education for peace and the common good, perhaps as one of the main tasks of education. In this context, it is usually not clear how we should teach about the peace in the lessons, it is challenging to explore the manner to teach this topic, so this document provides an example and practical knowledge about this concern. So, a premise in this document is the fact that peace and common good should be one of the fundamental purposes of any educated society
The Vatican, Holy See, in our current History plays an important roll in geopolitical matters that generates changes that are happening worldwide, always looking for the common good. The Pope Francis is one of the most recognized leaders that represent a remarkable influence during this second decade of the 21st century, and it is to be expected that his leadership will lead to changes for the international community in order to promote peace, stability and harmony.
Considering the geopolitical perspective, the Vatican and the Pope Francisco represent an important influence to deliver and share relevant messages and suggestions for mankind, suggestions that as leaders as Governments in addition to other important international organizations, they are always open to listen and to understand.
It is interesting to analyze the impact that Holy See has in order to influence in a positive manner in geopolitics, for the benefit of the common good. First of all, it is undeniable the global political leadership by the Pope Francis; Second, it is relevant to consider the influence of Christianity as an important ideological support of the Western world and that it even have an important friendly dialogue with other faiths and religions; and third, it is important to take in to account the influence and diplomacy of the Holy See, which has proven great contributions in benefit of resolving international conflicts.
This research analyze interesting messages and press releases through which the Holy See and specially with the inspiration of Pope Francis, has made important contributions for the good of mankind in the promotion of the common welfare for all, bringing a series of teachings and useful guidelines to consider in the ongoing global crisis that faces the international community in this century.
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