Computer science at the senior secondary school level is taught to expose students to concepts that would aid learning. Several studies showed that in most of the secondary schools, there had not been enough qualified computer science teachers to handle the teaching of the subject. The study investigated the effects of e-Portfolio and Computer Assisted Instructional Package (CAIP) on students’ academic achievement in Computer Science in Ondo State, Nigeria. The study adopted a pre-test, posttest, control group quasi-experimental research design. The sample for the study was 60 senior secondary school class two (SS2) students. A multistage sampling was adopted to select 20 students each from three purposively selected senior secondary schools as well as from some selected urban centre. Subjects in School A and B served as experimental groups, while subjects in School C served as control group. E-Portfolio served as treatment for group A; CAIP served as treatment for group B while conventional method of teaching was employed for the control group. The research instrument was Computer Science Achievement Test (COMSAT) (r=0.75). Data collected were analysed using mean and Standard Deviation.Tworesearch questions were raised and two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.The study showed that students in e-Portfolio group performed better ( =18.20) than students in CAIP ( =14.60) and Conventional Method of Teaching (CMT) ( =12.30) groups. Based on the findings, it was concluded that e-Portfolio package is more effective in teaching and learning of computer science than CAIP. It was therefore recommended that teachers should be encouraged to use e-Portfolio in teaching process.
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