• Egbule, E. O. (Ph.D) Department of Guidance and Counselling, Delta State University, Abraka
Keywords: Truancy, Parenthood, Family, Adolescents, Students


This study looked into how truant behavior among secondary school children was affected by being a single parent. For the study, a random sample of two hundred and forty (240) people was taken. Schools were deliberately chosen to accommodate both boys' and girls' schools. The researchers created a questionnaire to assess the impact of single motherhood on students' absenteeism. Analysis of the hypotheses was done using an independent t-test. The findings showed a significant difference between truant teenage pupils from intact parent households and those from single parent homes. The results of the second and third hypotheses likewise demonstrated a significant difference in the truant behavior of teenage male and female pupils from intact homes versus those from single parent households. Based on the data, inferences were made that there were distinctions between the truant behaviors of children with intact parents and those with single parents, as well as between male and female students from various family types. It was suggested that students who are single parents should receive counseling on self-worth and self-concept. Additionally, it was suggested that parents should resolve marital conflicts amicably rather than obtaining a divorce.


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How to Cite
E. O., E. (2024). EFFECT OF SINGLE PARENTHOOD ON TRUANT BEHAVIOUR OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN DELTA STATE. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 7(05), 84-95. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11670121