Constructivists’ Teacher-Preparation Strategy for Crossover to the 21st Century: A Case of Eastern Uganda

  • Emmanuel Humphrey Gusango Lecturer Uganda Christian University-Uganda
  • Mary Teophira Kagoire Ocheng Dean School of Education, Uganda Christian University (UCU)
  • Moses Wambi Uganda National Institute for Teacher Education (UNITE): Another Degree Awarding University in Uganda
  • Alfred Buluma Lecturer; Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum Studies, College of Education and External Studies, School of Education, Makerere University-Uganda
  • Wycliff Edwin Tusiime Kyambogo Universit- Uganda
Keywords: Constructivism, teacher-preparation, reflective practice


This study aimed to explore the constructivists' teacher-preparation practices in selected Teacher Training Institutions (TTIs) in Eastern Uganda as leverage to derive a strategy that enables crossoverto the 21st. Century. A qualitative research design using purposively sampled Primary Teachers Colleges and 15 participants informed the study. Data were collected using multiple in-depth interviews and observations and analyzed following Moustakas's (1994) procedure. Data analysis and results revealed that teacher educators continue to rely on traditional approaches in instruction and supervision of school practice. This phenomenological study established the lived experiences of teacher educators and students in light of constructivists’ teaching. Colleges are nascent in implementing modern constructivist practices in education moving away from being stuck to traditional instructional practices and the lack of motivation and knowledge among teacher educators to adopt modern approaches. This research study adds to the existing pool of knowledge, suggesting how constructivist’ teaching can support teaching effectiveness and promote students’ learning by amplifying the need for pedagogical enhancement and digital fluency through integrating ICT and reflective practice in instruction. The study recommends establishing and setting up a Reflective Practice Laboratory at the Uganda National Institute for Teacher Education (UNITE)- Another Degree Awarding Institution in Uganda, and the affiliated Teacher Training Institutions (TTIs) for Teacher Educators and trainees’ induction on several constructivist’ practices that include systematic reflection, clinical supervision, use and integration of ICT and other interventions in congruence with the Education Agenda 2063 and  21st Century Skills. 


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How to Cite
Humphrey Gusango, E., Kagoire Ocheng, M. T., Wambi, M., Buluma, A., & Edwin Tusiime, W. (2024). Constructivists’ Teacher-Preparation Strategy for Crossover to the 21st Century: A Case of Eastern Uganda. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 7(04), 139-156.