The Effect Of Augmented Reality Applications On Students' Self-Efficacy Perceptions and Social Skills Towards Science Learning

  • Zeliha Gül TÜRE -
  • Paşa Yalçın -
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Science teaching, Self-efficacy, Social skills, Sound and its properties.


This study aims to examine the effect of augmented reality applications on students' self-efficacy perceptions and social skills towards learning science in the "Sound and Properties" unit. For this purpose, a learning material containing augmented reality applications called SesAR was developed to be used in the 6th grade science course, Sound and Properties unit. The research was conducted with a quasi-experimental design, which is one of the quantitative research methods. The study group of the research consisted of 160 sixth grade students studying in two public schools in the central district of a medium-sized city in the Marmara region. During the application, augmented reality material was used in the experimental group and normal course materials such as textbooks, videos, animations, etc. were used in the control group. The data of the study were collected with "Self-Efficacy Belief Scale for Science Learning" and "Social Skills Scale". Mixed measures ANOVA and dependent independent groups t-test were used to analyze the data. The statistical results of the study showed that AR applications were effective on the level of self-efficacy beliefs towards learning science in teaching the 6th grade "Sound and its Properties" unit. At the level of social skills, it was determined that the pre-test scores of the students had medium level social skills, but the post-test scores remained at medium level and there was no statistically significant difference.


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How to Cite
TÜRE, Z., & Yalçın, P. (2024). The Effect Of Augmented Reality Applications On Students’ Self-Efficacy Perceptions and Social Skills Towards Science Learning. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 7(02), 78-97.