• Kananelo Sylvester Moea Lesotho College of Education, Department of Languages and Literature, P. O. Box 234, Thaba- tseka 550, Lesotho
  • Setho J. Mokhets’engoane National University of Lesotho, Faculty of Education, P.O Roma 180, Lesotho
Keywords: 21st-century skills, English Language teaching, LGCSE, Syllabus


Under the lens of 21st-century skills, this study examined the applicability of English Language instruction for the Lesotho General Certificate of Secondary Education (LGCSE), as well as its context in Lesotho, the world, and this period. The LGCSE English Language syllabus document was subjected to a qualitative document analysis. The findings demonstrated that a representation of each of the four ATC21s is available for each of the four aims proposed by the syllabus. In each aim, new methods of thinking, ways of living, ways of working, and ways of thinking arise. All goals appear to address 21st-century talents, according to these outcomes, which provide confirmation. The way these talents are represented in the four curriculum aims varies just a little. For example, all four of the goals included examples of communication, life, and professional skills. However, only aims 1 and 4 featured collaboration. Similar to this, aim 1, 3, and 4 solely considered critical thinking and metacognition as subskills. Only aims 2 and 3 have information literacy in them. Only aim 2 selected creativity and innovation. These findings offer corroborating proof and solidly establish the English Language as a legitimate subject with a place in the LGCSE curriculum.Learning ideas like heutagogy, which refers to managing learning for self-managed learners, can be utilized to design teaching and learning strategies that are in line with learners’ desire to choose their own goals and provide methods for achieving those goals.


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How to Cite
Moea, K., & Mokhets’engoane, S. J. (2024). ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND THE 21ST CENTURY SKILLS: ANALYSIS OF THE LESOTHO GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION SYLLABUS. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 7(03), 27-39. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10909816