Psychological Well-being at Work and Professional Motivation of High School Teachers in Douala

  • Douanla Djiala Adeline Merlyne Department de Psychologie, Université de Douala
Keywords: Psychological well-being, professional motivation, teachers.


This study begins with the observation that primary and secondary school teachers have expressed discontent due to delayed payment of bonuses, lack of financial support even after several years of work, non-recognition of their seniority, and failure to implement promised career advancements. They have reached agreements with their administration to resolve this professional crisis, and some resolutions have begun to be implemented. This should ideally lead to a change in their attitudes in the classroom. However, it is noted that some of them continue to arrive late, fail to grade assignments, and are generally lax in the classroom. This raises the question: what are the reasons for this professional demotivation? The objective of this study is to verify if there is a link between psychological well-being at work and professional motivation of teachers. Dagenais-Desmarais's (2010) theory of psychological well-being at work enabled the operationalization of the general hypothesis into five alternative hypotheses. A quantitative design was employed, and data was collected through a questionnaire administered to 150 secondary school teachers in Douala. Data analysis was conducted using Spearman correlation, yielding the following results: for HR1: Rho=-0.308; HR2: Rho=-0.351; HR3: Rho=-0.134; HR4: Rho=-0.230; HR5: Rho=-0.324. The results confirm all our research hypotheses. Therefore, we can conclude that there is a significant link between psychological well-being at work and professional motivation of teachers.


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How to Cite
Adeline Merlyne, D. D. (2024). Psychological Well-being at Work and Professional Motivation of High School Teachers in Douala. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 7(02), 24-36.