Workplace Well-Being: An Analysis of Lecturers' Mental and Emotional Well-Being in Relation to Their Academic Productivity
Lecturers often face challenges like excessive workload, job insecurity, and ambiguity in their roles, leading to stress and burnout, which can significantly impact their job satisfaction and performance. This study aims to explore the relationship between lecturers' mental and emotional well-being and their academic productivity. The study's focuses on how the level of support from academic institutions, stress, and burnout affect lecturers' overall well-being and productivity. The study adopts an interpretivist paradigm with hermeneutic epistemology and hermeneutic methodological approach. Findings from interviews with two participants identified themes such as institutional support, social support, work flexibility, coping strategies, and work-life balance as crucial factors influencing lecturers' well-being and productivity. The study emphasises the importance of promoting a supportive work environment that prioritizes lecturers' well-being by addressing workload management, fostering positive working relationships, and implementing well-being programs. Based on the research results, it is recommended that academic institutions prioritize lecturers' well-being by offering support for workload management, fostering positive working relationships, and implementing comprehensive well-being programs. A holistic approach, considering various job resources and factors, is crucial for creating an environment that supports lecturers' well-being and enhances their productivity. There are opportunities for further research, including examining the effectiveness of specific well-being interventions and exploring the long-term effects of lecturers' well-being on their career trajectory and job satisfaction. Addressing these aspects can help academic institutions foster a supportive and thriving environment that benefits both lecturers and the institution.
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