A Principal’s Management Strategies and its Influence on Quality Assurance in Selected Secondary Schools in Mefou and Afamba in the Centre Region of Cameroon
Principals have the power to set a road map for quality assurance, which is strong indicator of a successful school, but a strong determinant of the outcome is their management strategies. This paper therefore focuses on the principal’s management strategy and its influence on quality assurance: the case of selected secondary schools in Mefou Afamba in the Central Region of Cameroon. The study had as main objective to access the degree of relationship between instructional strategy, communication approach and delegation of power, and quality assurance. The study used the quantitative research approach, with the questionnaire as the main instrument for data collection. The survey sample consisted of 255 teachers and principals of secondary schools. Data analysis was done through the use of structural equation modeling (SEM), which is a third-generation advanced method of data analysis. This technique is a combination factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results shown that: There is significant statistical evidence to suggest that principals’ instructional supervision strategy positively affect quality assurance; there is significant statistical evidence to suggest that principals’ communication approaches have an impact on quality assurance; there is significant statistical evidence to suggest that principals’ delegation of powers strategy have an impact on quality assurance. Based on the results, principals who lay emphasis on instructional strategies, use better communication approaches and involve colleagues in every stage of their daily plans by delegation of power will prepare a smooth path for quality assurance in their schools. Such principals act as role model for effective school management. This paper attempts to bridge the gap between principal’s management strategies and quality assurance. Acquiring strategies for quality assurance facilitates the creation of a quality school.
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