Creativity As Predictor of Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics In Anambra State

  • Emesi Kingsley Ekene
  • Anyanwu Adeline Nne
Keywords: Creativity, Academic Achievement


Creativity is a strong indicator and facilitator for effective learning. The study aimed to explore the students’ creativity as a predictor of academic achievement in mathematics in Anambra State The study adopted a multiple regression predictive design. The population of the study comprised 21,204 SS II students from which a sample of 1500 was drawn. The multi-stage procedure was used to select the sample. A standardized research instrument such as; the Students’ Epstein Creativity Competencies Inventory developed by Epstein (ECCI) was used for data collection. Students’ mathematics achievement scores from the state-wide promotion examination were used to represent mathematics achievement.  Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine the reliability of the items in the instruments.  Reliability indices were found to be .89 for the personal trait, .64 for process, .85 for press, and  .71 for product respectively. The overall score of the coefficients is .77 which made the instruments fit for the study. Four research questions and three hypotheses were formulated for the study. The standard multiple regression was used to analyze the collected data. The t-test for r, F-test, and test of significance for β, were used to test hypotheses at a .05 level of significance. Findings showed that students’ academic achievement scores were significantly predicted by the product scores. It was also, recommended that teachers and parents should encourage their children to adopt creativity as an adaptive behavior to motivate their learning potential to achieve academic progress more meaningfully. This is because these results document the vital influence and impact which creativity has on students’ learning outcomes.


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How to Cite
Ekene, E., & Adeline Nne, A. (2022). Creativity As Predictor of Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics In Anambra State. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 5(05), 47-56.