Creative writing as a stimulating strategy for critical thinking

  • Pedro Adalid Ruíz Professor of the Master's Degree in Management of Educational Centers at the University CEU-Cardenal Herrera.
  • Izara Batres Cuevas Professor at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).
Keywords: critical thinking, creative writing, creativity, reasoning


In the field of education, topics related to brain functioning and thought-generating processes have attracted great interest in recent years, mainly due to the concern of teachers and researchers in the area, in order to know how to create and implement new pedagogical strategies that contribute to the development of necessary skills in 21st-century education, among which creativity and critical thinking stand out. For the development of this research study, a qualitative design was used, employing the hermeneutic method, which resorts to documentary and descriptive analysis that uses theoretical data from previous studies, for interpretation and reflection. Once the data has been interpreted and discussed, it becomes evident and aware that creative writing can be used as a tool to stimulate critical thinking. Teachers should strengthen the management of the teaching process so that learning is meaningful and students have the necessary tools to promote and strengthen their creativity, enhancing their reflective thinking, which will be very useful for them to face their daily and professional life efficiently in a globalized world, filled with much information to discern, digital transformation, challenges to overcome, and major constant changes to assume.



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How to Cite
Adalid Ruíz, P., & Batres Cuevas, I. (2022). Creative writing as a stimulating strategy for critical thinking. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 5(01), 34-44. Retrieved from