• A. Department of statistic
  • G. M Department of Statistics University of Ilorin.
Keywords: Moment, Hazard rate., Kurtosis., Renyi Entropy., Unimodal


In this paper a four parameter Exponentiated Generalized Exponentiated exponential distribution Is derived from family of GEE and studied. Various properties of the distribution are studied. The distribution is found to be unimodal and has a decreasing and increasing hazard rate depending on the shape parameters. The expressions for the moment, median, quartile, mean deviation, median deviation, skeweness, kurtosis, Renyi entropy are obtained. Several known continuous distributions are found to be special cases of the new distributions. Simulation study and maximum likelihood estimate are used to estimate unknown parameters.


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Author Biographies

A., Department of statistic

Department of statistic Auchi polytechnic Auchi.

G. M, Department of Statistics University of Ilorin.

Department of Statistics University of Ilorin.


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How to Cite
A., & G. M,. (2018). ON DEVELOPMENT OF FOUR-PARAMETERS EXPONENTIATED GENERALIZED EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION. GPH-International Journal of Applied Science, 1(1), 20-39. Retrieved from https://gphjournal.org/index.php/as/article/view/95