Economic feasibility of establishing a farm to raise commercial shrimp in Basrah - southern Iraq
For the first time in Iraq, an economic feasibility study is being conducted for establishing a shrimp farm in Basra - southern Iraq. The expected results were according to the situation in terms of prices and costs. Through a culture density of 80 larvae / m² with a survival rate of 50%, the productivity of one acre was evaluated with no more than 1000 kg of shrimp / 0.25 hectare, and the amount of feed consumed was one ton during the annual crop (six months, i.e. from April to October), and the marketing value of each acre was not Less than 8 million Iraqi dinars (32 million hectares of production), considering the price of one kilo of shrimp is 8 thousand dinars, and the weight of one shrimp reaches 10 grams during. After calculating the costs of establishing the farm (one hectare) for the first year, 20 million, while in the second year it needed only 10 million. The sole dependence on the catch of shrimp to meet the juvenile provision of Metapenaeusaffinis and Penaeussemisulcatus juvenile shrimp, and perhaps freshwater shrimp can benefit from Macrobrachiumnipponense found in marine and river waters.
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