Logic of adaptation of bizi managerial girls in the district of Abidjan

Logiques d'adaptation des filles géreuses de bizi dans le district d'Abidjan

  • DÉDOU Zozo Alain Abidjan-Cocody, 01 BP V 34 01 Maître-Assistant, UFR Criminologie, bUniversité Félix Houphouët-Boigny
  • KOUAMÉ N’guessan Edwige M.G. Abidjan-Cocody, 01 BP V 34 01 Maître-Assistante, UFR Criminologie, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny
  • BAMBA Massandjei Maître-Assistante, UFR Logistique, Tourisme, Hôtellerie-Restauration, Université de San Pedro
Keywords: Prostitution, Bizi, Internet, Girls, district of Abidjan


Society as a whole is experiencing various changes that have a considerable influence on social positions, roles, behaviors, phenomena. Côte d’Ivoire, acosmopolitan and hospitable country, nevertheless, these major changes have had an impact because of the economic and social crises. One of the consequences of these mutable and timeless phenomena is undoubtedly prostitution.  In the Abidjan district, the phenomenon of prostitution    is   multifaceted    and   growing   among   girls.   By   spreading    out, this phenomenon   has migrated to a new   model   that is now called “Bizi”, with new adaptations.  Defined as an exchange of sexual services, ‘Bizi’ marketing is done on social networks. The objective of this study is to learn about the “Bizi” neo-phenomenon in the district of Abidjan, with a view to identifying specifically, the profile of girls in ‘Bizi’ situations, their backgrounds and their logic of adaptation to the constraints of this phenomenon. The results show that the girls in business are young (18-35 years), from all socio-economic classes in Abidjan. More or less graduates, they conceal the phenomenon of prostitution through screen or parallel activities.  They are affiliated with active prostitution networks and supported by pimps considered managers, who refine their strategies to give them visibility and make more clients.


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How to Cite
Zozo Alain, D., N’guessan Edwige M.G., K., & Massandjei, B. (2023). Logic of adaptation of bizi managerial girls in the district of Abidjan. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(07), 39-55. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8218507