EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS : GPH - INT. JOURNAL OF Mechanical And Civil Engineering

Editor - in - Chief : MOHD MUSTAQUE (FranK)

Email : editor@gphjournal.org || gpheditor@gmail.com || Contact: 01268-277274 Official Address: Flat No. 15, Firozpur Jhirka , Nuh 122104 , Haryana (India)


NCE, B.Sc., ASM, M.Sc., M.Sc., (AR). Ph.D.
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Goodluck Jonathan Building University of Port Harcourt,
Choba, Nigeria.
Phone No: +234-7036252485
e-mail: drekekejohn@gmail.com, john.ekeke@uniport.edu.ng

Associative Editors
Name:- Dr. Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman Khayal
Email:- osamakhayal66@nilevalley.edu.sd
Phone No: +2499191935570
Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Eng. & Technology
Work Add.:- Nile Valley University, Atbara, Sudan P.O.Box 26 Atbara Sudan
Area of Specialization:- Mechanics of Materials.
Name:- Dr Porag Kalita
Post;- HOD- Automobile Engineering: Vocational Education
Work Add.:- M R S Higher Secondary School, Titabor, Jorhat
Email:- poragkalita@rediffmail.com
Phone:- +91 9435229831
Name:- Dr. HASAN KÖTEN. M.Sc., P.hd
Post;-  Assist. Prof. :- Istanbul Medeniyet University Head of Mechanical Engin. Dpt.
Add.:- Istanbul Medeniyet University Istanbul.
Email:- hasan.koten@medeniyet.edu.tr &  hkoten@gmail.com
Phone:- +90 216 3803202 GSM: +90 505 523 01 46
Name:- Amir Behshad., Ph.d.
Post;-  Assistant Professor Structural Engineering,Faculty Member at Yasouj University
Add.:-  Yasouj, Iran
Email:- a.behshad@mail.yu.ac.ir
Phone:-Not given...........
Web Id:- ***************
Name:- Elżbieta Macioszek., DSc. PhD. Eng.
Post;- Associate Prof. Transport Systems &Traffic Eng. Silesian University of Technology.
Add.:- 40-019 Katowice, Krasińskiego 8 Street Poland.
Email:- elzbieta.macioszek@polsl.pl
Phone:-Not given...........
Web:- http://kstir.polsl.pl/dr-hab-inz-elzbieta-macioszek/
Name:- Dr.Hasan AYDOGAN
Phone:-Not given...........
Email:- haydogan@selcuk.edu.tr
Post;-Assoc. Prof. Graz Technical University, Graz (Austria)
Web:- https://www.selcuk.edu.tr/teknoloji/makine/akademik_personel/bilgi/7124/en
Add.:-Selcuk University Technology Faculty Mechanical Eng. Dept. TURKEY, 42075 Konya
Phone:-+91 97743 20556
Email:- himu.nita@gmail.com
Post;-Asst. Prof. G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune, India
FIELDS OF INTEREST:- Manufacturing,Non -  traditional  Machining , Soft computing
Add.:- Not given...
Name:- Nedim Suljić
Phone:- 00387 35 320 550
Email:- nedim.suljic@untz.ba
Post;- Full professor Doctor of Technical Sciences in the field of Civil Engineering
FIELDS OF INTEREST:- hydraulic engineering and geotechnical
Add.:- Krečanska 13/2/11, 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Name:- Dr. Nibal Fadel Farman
Phone:- 07823287514
Email:- Dr.nibal.F@coeng.uobaghdad.edu.iq
Post;-  ProfessoBaghdad University /Engineering College
FIELDS OF INTEREST:- Energy &Nuclear Engineering, Solar and Control Systems
Add.:- Baghdad University /Engineering College

IT Manager

Nazeer I.K

Editorial Staff

  • Mr Afjal Ahmed, Turkey
  • Sara H Alzayan, Kuwait
  • Mrs Aaisha F., Qatar