Hello Author(s),
We're inviting authors to submit research papers from Health Science and Nursing Subjects:
GPH - International Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing (ijhsn) is currently accepting contributions of high-quality research/review articles, for publication in the Current issue. We invite you and your colleagues to submit your latest research for consideration in the journal.
Best Regards,
HSN Editorial Office
Email: Editor@gphjournal.org
GPH - International Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing (ijhsn) is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal publishing original research works of high standard in all areas of Health Sciences and Nursing. Publication Frequency
IJHSN publishes 12 ISSUE per year. All manuscripts are refereed under the same standards as those used by the finest-quality printed Nursing journals. Accepted papers will be published online in their final forms using the IJhsn template and will be published at end of every month. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article Processing Charge From the submission in February 2022 onwards, each article accepted for publication will be subject to an Article Processing Charge to support the production of Health Sciences and Nursing. This fee goes toward manuscript processing, professional typesetting, and copyediting, as well as online hosting, long-term preservation and comprehensive promotion to potential readers. The current fees are given below: Foreign
- 49 USD
- University members 2,000 INR
- University non-members 3,000 INR
Call for Papers: GPH Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing. (IJHSN) is pleased to announce the call for papers for the following special issues: