• Dr Ojo Monday Isiramen Department of Management
Keywords: Ethical leadership, character, leader-follower relations, ethical culture, employee retention, factors, strategies


In today's competitive global corporate environment, leaders' ethical behaviour is becoming increasingly important. Leaders, when morally upright, bring tremendous business impact and retention. On the contrary, if the morale of the lead organization is not practiced, the whole image of the company is spoiled, and employees are dissatisfied. For this reason, ethical leadership must be a priority for companies today, not only for higher structural performance but also to retain employees in order to maintain a competitive advantage. Employee retention refers to an organization's ability to retain its employees, and it's becoming a major concern for businesses. Organizational culture, salary and remuneration, flexibility, and work happiness all have a significant impact on a company's retention rate. This conceptual paper examines the construct of ethical leadership and worker retention. Ethical leaders believe in the long-term implications, disadvantages, and edges of the decisions they make inside the organization. The paper reviewed extant literature that examines literature within the space of “Ethical leadership and worker retention”. The paper suggests that wise hiring is critical, that the person to be designated should be a good fit for the job as well as the organization's culture, and that it is equally essential to remember the qualifications, skills and knowledge, diligence, and perspective required for the job. Ethical leaders should determine the coaching and appropriate training for the employees.


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Author Biography

Dr Ojo Monday Isiramen, Department of Management

Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State


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How to Cite
Isiramen, D. O. M. (2021). ETHICAL LEADERSHIP AND EMPLOYEE RETENTION. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 4(12), 10-26.