Free Trade in Precolonial Era: Implications for the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area in Cameroon

  • Bin Joachem Meh
  • Ngo Valery Ngo
  • Regina Sinsai
  • Constantine Asahngwa
  • Evrad Kepgang
  • Robert Nantchouang
  • Jean Cedric Kouam
  • Denis Foretia
Keywords: African Continental Free Trade Area, Precolonial Era, Cameroon, Trade Implementation, Historical Perspectives, Bilateral Trade, Multilateral Trade, Currencies, Trade by Barter, African Currency.


The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is high on national and international development agendas. For Cameroon to better participate and fast-track this program's implementation, we conducted historical perspectives from the precolonial era using a rigorous qualitative research approach, including one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions in five different regions in Cameroon. We found that trade in Ancient Cameroon was bilateral and multilateral using various currencies and trade by barter. Therefore, there is a need to create an African currency to facilitate the implementation of the AfCFTA, and member states should brainstorm on trade rules that will accelerate AfCFTA implementation. 


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How to Cite
Joachem Meh, B., Valery Ngo, N., Sinsai, R., Asahngwa, C., Kepgang, E., Nantchouang, R., Cedric Kouam, J., & Foretia, D. (2024). Free Trade in Precolonial Era: Implications for the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area in Cameroon. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 7(06), 127-146.