Effective management of Gen Z human resources in small and medium enterprises

  • Thi Le Giang Vu Dai Nam University
  • Thi Thuy Nguyen Dai Nam University
Keywords: Human resource management; Training; Generation Z; SME; Innovation, Human resource management, Innovation, SME, Generation Z, Training


Generation Z (Gen Z) brings about distinctive characteristics and demands in values, attitudes, and approaches to work compared to previous generations. However, if executed effectively, Gen Z human resource management can bring benefits and development opportunities to businesses. This article analyzes important aspects of human resource management, including personnel strategy, enhancing labor productivity, managing labor relations, fostering innovation and competitiveness, and compliance with labor laws. At the same time, it highlights the significant role of SMEs in Vietnam's economy and the specific characteristics of Gen Z. Proposed solutions include creating a flexible work environment, using technology efficiently, encouraging creativity, and training on organizational values and culture. These measures help attract and retain Gen Z talent, creating a positive and effective work environment for sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Vu, T. L. G., & Nguyen, T. T. (2024). Effective management of Gen Z human resources in small and medium enterprises. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 7(06), 50-58. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12736890