• Asuquo, Ita Esia Department of Marketing, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Onwukwe, Kingsley Ikechukwu Department of Marketing, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Ademe-Godwin, Doris Department of Marketing, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Keywords: Service Convenience. Perceived Quality. Service Fairness. Availability. Referral. Repeat Purchase


This study was carried out primarily to investigate the relationship between service convenience and customer loyalty in money deposit banks in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.  The cross-sectional survey research design  was adopted for the study. The target population of study was 55,000 bank customers, with 397 determined as the  sample size  using Taro Yamen’s formula  for sample size determination from a finite population.  Primary data was utilized in the study. Primary data were collected with a well-structured questionnaire and administered to the bank customers  in Port Harcourt. The questionnaire was validated through face  and content validity. Statistical tools for data analyses included descriptive analysis and The Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC). Major findings show that the three dimensions of service convenience (perceived quality, service fairness and availability)  had strong and  significant relationship with the two measures of customer loyalty (referral and repeat purchase) in money deposit banks in Port Harcourt.  The study concluded  that service convenience impacts on customer loyalty of money deposit banks in Port Harcourt.  Based on the findings of the study, it was  recommended that money deposit banks should constantly interact with their customers and also create an environment that  fair  and free from manipulation.


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How to Cite
Ita Esia, A., Kingsley Ikechukwu, O., & Doris, A.-G. (2024). SERVICE CONVENIENCE AND CUSTOMER LOYALTY OF MONEY DEPOSIT BANKS IN PORT HARCOURT. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 6(10), 350-369.