• Odudu, Nelson Jacob Department of Marketing, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Onuoha, Kelechi Chukwuemeka Department of Marketing, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Ademe-Godwin, Doris Department of Marketing, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Keywords: Sales Force Motivation. Rewards. Effective remuneration and Recognition. Personal Performance.


Sales force motivation describes a sales force intrinsic enthusiasm and drives to accomplishment. Every sales force is motivated by something in his or her life. Motivating a sales force to work is the combination of fulfilling the sales force need and expectations from work and work place factor. That enables sales force motivation. Too many work places still act as if the sales force should be grateful to have a job. Managers are on power trip and sales force policies and procedure are formulated based on the assumption that you cannot trust sales force to do the right thing. In the banking sector, task and target are placed on sales for to delivery but the required motivation and benefits are delayed and even denied. Effective remuneration and recognition are sources of motivation to enhance these personnel to performance satisfactorily. Interview and questionnaires are administered to sales force in Port Harcourt. Their response has helped in analyzing the result in a simple percent format.  It was found that motivation serves as a factor which influence performance and enhance personal performance.This study recommended that human capital management (HCM) in the commercial bank should develop policies that encourage employee to advance their careers. Employee should be engaged on a permanent terms in order to maximize high turnaround in performance. In addition, human capital managers should review compensation, incentive and salaries policies and pay sale force overtime worked. 


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How to Cite
Nelson Jacob, O., Kelechi Chukwuemeka, O., & Doris, A.-G. (2024). SALES FORCE MOTIVATION AND PERSONNEL PERFORMANCE OF DEPOSIT MONEY BANK IN PORT HARCOURT. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 6(10), 334-349.