• B.M. NWIBERE University of Port Harcourt
Keywords: Border Theory, Career Success, Encouraging Time off/Leave policy, Flexible work arrangements, Measuring Work Results, Not Hours,Employees’ Training and Development, Transparent/Open Communication, Wellness Programs, Work-life Integration


This study examined the relationship between work-life integration strategies and career success in the Nigerian banking industry. The target population of the study comprise employees of deposit money banks (DMBs) in Rivers State, Nigeria; however the study was streamlined to ten biggest DMBs in Rivers State, Nigeria.Using purposive sampling techniques a sample of 250 respondents were drawn from the selected DMBs. A quasi-experimental research design was employed, and data was collected through a cross-sectional survey, and the researchers gathered their data from primary sources using a 5-point Likert-type validated questionnaire. The correlation analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25 was used for data analysisas it allows the researcher to estimate relationship between two variables. The result illustrates that work-life integration strategies has a positive influence on career success in the Nigerian banking industry. Specifically, the dimensions of work-life integration such as flexible work arrangements, transparent/open communication, employees’ training and development, wellness programmes, encouraging time-off/leave policy, and measuring work results, not hours respectively, were revealed to have a positive and statistically significant correlation with career success in the Nigerian banking industry. Based on these findings above, this study concludes thatflexible work arrangements, transparent/open communication, employees’ training and development, wellness programmes, encouraging time-off/leave policy, and measuring work results, not hours respectively, play significant roles in enhancing employees’ career success in the Nigerian banking industry.This study therefore is a strategic imperative for top management and other decision makers in the Nigerian banking industry seeking to encourage career success of their employees and to foster a thriving and sustainable workplaceby formulating suitable policies and guidelines to ensure the implementation of favourable work-life integration strategies. Other theoretical and practical implications for managing work life integration and promoting career success are also discussed.


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