Keywords: Active Management by Exception, Affective Cynicism, Behavioural Cynicism, Cognitive Cynicism, Contingent Reward, Employee Cynicism, Passive Management by Exception, Transactional Leadership Behaviour


This study examined the relationship between transactional leadership behavior and employee cynicism in fast-moving consumer goods companies in Rivers State. The sample consist of 245 randomly selected employees from six (6) purposively drawn fast-moving consumer goods companies in Port Harcourt. A quasi-experimental research design was used, and data were collected through a cross-sectional survey using a questionnaire. Contingent reward, active management by exception and passive management by exception were dimensions for transactional leadership, while affective, cognitive and behavioural cynicisms were the measures of employee cynicism. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey approach and the Pearson Product Moment correlation method was adopted in giving answers to the formulated hypotheses. The study findings revealed a positive but weak and significant relationship between contingent reward and affective, cognitive and behavioral cynicisms respectively. Similarly, active management by exceptionwas revealed to have a positive but weak and significant relationship with affective, cognitive and behavioral cynicisms respectively. Conversely, passive management by exception was revealed to have a very strong positive and significant relationship with affective, cognitive and behavioral cynicisms respectively. Based on the findings above, the study concludes that transactional leadership behavior can be a tool in the management of employee cynicism. Specifically, the study concludes that passive management by exception can be more effective tool in controlling employees’ cynicism in the workplace than contingent rewards and active management by exception. Based on the findings and conclusions above, the study recommends thatFast-moving consumer goods companies should promote workplace positivity, encourage pro-social behaviours, and draw and effective reward system as these will help build meaning and add value to the jobs done by the employees so as to decrease cynical behaviours. Organisations should encourage collaboration among employees in the workplace, emphasize effective and timely supervision, and promote mentorship programmes as these are active management practices that will inhibit the growth of employees’ cynicism. Other theoretical and managerial implications for managing employees’ cynicism in the workplace are also discussed.


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