• B.M. NWIBERE University of Port Harcourt
Keywords: Green Human Resource Management Practices (GHRMP), Organizational Sustainability, Human Organizational Sustainability, Green Recruitment and Selection


This cross-sectional study examined how the Food and Beverage (F&B) businesses in Rivers State interacts with organisational sustainability (OS). A standardized questionnaire based on a 5-point Likert-type scale was used to collect information from 303 participants. The data were analyzed via descriptive statistics and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The findings indicate a statistically significant beneficial correlation between GHRM practices and OS. These results suggest that implementing GHRM, even if minimal, can improve the performance and sustainability of F&B. The practical results suggest that Food and Beverage companies may improve operational efficiency and viability over time by incorporating sustainability projects into their HRM policies and practices. The professional implications highlight the significance of aligning Human Resource Strategies with environmental and social goals in order to promote sustainability and competitiveness. Based on the findings above, the study recommends that GHRM be integrated into company policies, that environmentally friendly methods of employment be adopted, and that businesses promote a culture of social responsibility. The study also recommends that F&B companies do more research to investigate the many mechanisms by which GHRM influences the OS, allowing for the development of targeted implementation strategies to optimize effectiveness.


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