The Impacts of Cybercrime on the Growth of Mobile Money Services in Tanzania; A Case of Kongwa District
This study examined the repercussions of cybercrime on the expansion of mobile money services in Kongwa District, Dodoma Region. The swift proliferation of mobile money services in the area has drawn the attention of cybercriminals, resulting in substantial threats to user security and trust. The study centred on two pivotal variables: users' trust in mobile money services and alterations in usage patterns and loan repayment behaviours. Employing a descriptive research design and a qualitative research approach, the study engaged with a sample size of 30 out of a population of 194. Primary data was gathered and analysed through surveys and interviews with mobile money users in Kongwa District to assess the extent of cybercrime's influence on these variables. Furthermore, secondary data sources were utilised to procure information concerning interventions and strategies employed to alleviate the impact of cybercrime. The study's findings revealed a significant erosion of users' trust in mobile money services and notable changes in usage patterns and loan repayment behaviours due to cybercrime. To mitigate the impact of cybercrime, the study suggests that mobile money service providers enhance security measures and regulatory authorities enforce stricter oversight. These findings hold practical implications for industry stakeholders and contribute to the academic comprehension of the impact of cybercrime on mobile money services.
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