Plantation Agriculture Dynamics and Implications on Grass root Development in Fako and Moungo Divisions
Plantation agriculture has been at the forefront of development in many countries of the South. Agro-industries in Cameroon are not an exception. The Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC), Cameroon Palm Oil Industry (SOCAPALM), Plantations-du-Haut-Penja (PHP) and Boh Plantation Limited (BPL)located in Fako and Moungo Divisions adjacent to the Cameroon Coastline, have been involved in industrial agriculture production with wider implications on their host communities and Cameroon at large. These corporations have engaged in a wide portfolio of socio-economic activities of varying degree of remuneration to the population and rural development. The agro enterprises have contributed to education and health promotion, rural electrification and job creation amongst others in the Southwest and Littoral Regions of Cameroon even though their activities have had many negative outcomes on the socio-economic development and environment of the area. This study examines the impact of the activities of the corporations high lighted on their host communities. It employs quantitative and qualitative techniques for data collection and analysis of its findings. The results show that the impact of plantation agriculture on the communities where they were established have both been beneficial and detrimental to grass root development necessitating policy guidelines to curtail the negative impact and improve on the development.
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