Forecasting the Contribution Agricultural Sector on the Gross Domestic Product, Sudan

  • Yousif Jaffar Albashir Osman Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Shambat , Sudan
  • Intisar Yousif Ahmeda Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Shambat , Sudan
  • Mohamed Elamin A. Allatif Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Shambat , Sudan
Keywords: Agricultural Sector, Gross Domestic Product, Forecasting, ARIMA Model .Auto-Regressive


The objective of this study was to forecast the contribution of the Sudanese agricultural sector on the country GDP for the period (2023- 2038). Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Model with statistical time series modeling technique was used in the analysis. The research depended mainly on  secondary data which was collected from different relevant sources.  Results showed that ARIMA (1,0,0) was the best model because there is a noticeable agreement between the observed and expected forecasted values and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) was found to be 18.8. Result also revealed that, the forecasted value for the year 203.


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 Ministry of Finance and National Economy - Annual Reports
 Central Bureau of Statistics and Information – Sudan
 Central Bank of Sudan - annual reports during the period (1960 - 2022)
How to Cite
Albashir Osman, Y. J., Yousif Ahmeda, I., & Elamin A. Allatif, M. (2024). Forecasting the Contribution Agricultural Sector on the Gross Domestic Product, Sudan. GPH-International Journal of Agriculture and Research, 7(05), 35-44.