Effectiveness of Controling Brontispa Using Parasitoids Acecodes hispinarum in Kampot Province, Cambodia
The coconut leaf beetles (Brontispa spp.) are the subject of a new contaminant that has recently appeared on the territory of Cambodia since 2003. This study has two objectives: (a) to analyze the situation of damage to coconut plants by Brontispa in Kampot province; and (b) to understand the parasite breeding in the laboratory and its release in the field and its effectiveness in controlling Brontispa. This study was conducted in Kampot province because the coconut crops in this province, like in other provinces, have been suffering from the damage caused by Brontispa. According to the report of the GDA, which was researched by the Priority Expression Project on the Study of the Prevalence of Coconut Pests in 2006–2007, it shows that there are 79 villages and 11 communes in Angkor Chey district, Kampot province, of which 80,080 were damaged, equivalent to 70% of the total of 114,400 coconut trees.Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the coconut crop in Kampot province is currently being seriously destroyed by Brontispa. The results of the survey showed that there were 2,476 coconut trees, of which only 838 were not damaged, while 1,638 other trees were damaged, such as: destroyed from 1–15% of 261 trees; destroyed from 16–30% of 260 trees; destroyed from 31–50% of 252 trees; destroyed from 1–50% of 252 trees; destroyed from 51–70% of 365 trees; and destroyed from 70–100% of 500 trees. To conclude, the negative effects of Brontispa can be effectively eliminated by using this acetaminophen parasite, but it will take a bit longer. This measure's application is extensive, long-lasting, and labor-efficient; it particularly has no impact on biodiversity, health, or environmental preservation.
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