Neither Atheist, not believer nor yet agnostic: Towards a fourth position

  • Dr Daniel Shorkend Shaanan College, Israel
Keywords: atheism, belief, agnostic, new conception, water


This brief article begins with outlining the beliefs of the atheist, believer and agnostic. It was found that although they each appear to contain a kernel of truth, there are various deficiencies in each argument. It is then put forward an alternative to such positions and one that appears to embrace them all, while in itself not being anything of substance. Yet it is precisely in such insubstantiality that the debate itself is resolved or dissolves and anamorphous “form” follows, one that may save us from the often-devastating decisions to be any one of atheist, believer or agnostic and instead invites a more holistic perception and a less rigid way of being. One that is less attached to identity and “truth” and more akin to the flowing nature of water or the penetrating beauty of light. This I dub “the fourth position” (dimension), though the name is insignificant.


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How to Cite
Shorkend, D. D. (2023). Neither Atheist, not believer nor yet agnostic: Towards a fourth position. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(06), 48-53.