Advocacy for Lifelong Education for Sustainable Development in Morocco: Evolution, Issues and Controversies

  • Chakouk Said PhD, Professor
  • Bahetta Youssef Phd student researcher
Keywords: Advocacy, Lifelong Learning ( LL), Sustainable Development (SD), Education


Lifelong Learning (LL) plays a central role in creating a green and inclusive economy based on sustainable paradigms of production and consumption, as well as in creating new or redesigned sectors, industries, and jobs. Given the contingencies surrounding the transition to sustainable economies and the unpredictable nature of the world of work, it is difficult to explicitly determine the new role that education, including LL, could play in the next fifteen years. However, education remains an opportunity that will play a crucial dual role in combating poverty and inequality while promoting the transition to a new Sustainable Development (SD) paradigm.

This research aims to analyze the advocacy opportunities that LL offers to Moroccan citizens in achieving SD. In other words, how can we rely on LL to allow for the evolution of behaviors and lifestyles that are adapted to the world and the challenges of SD in the Moroccan context?


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Author Biographies

Chakouk Said, PhD, Professor

Department of Communication Sciences and Techniques,
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences
University Mohammed V -Rabat-Morocco

Bahetta Youssef, Phd student researcher

Department of Communication Sciences and Techniques,
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences
University Mohammed V -Rabat-Morocco


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How to Cite
Said, C., & Youssef, B. (2023). Advocacy for Lifelong Education for Sustainable Development in Morocco: Evolution, Issues and Controversies. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(03), 22-34.