• E. J Opuene Department of Marketing
  • D. G Ademe Department of Marketing
Keywords: Media Credibility, Interactive Media, Media Accessibility, Brand Awareness, Customer Patronage, Social Media


Consumer usage of the internet has increased incredibly by way of making use of content-sharing sites, social networking, blogs, etc. for the purpose of adapting, sharing, and discussing internet content.  This study was designed to ascertain the impact of social media platforms on customer patronage of insurance firms in Port Harcourt with brand awareness serving as a moderating variable.  Data were collected from four hundred and thirty-three (433) customers from eighteen (18) insurance companies in Port Harcourt where 421 of the questionnaires were found valid and useful for analysis using Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient with the aid of SPSS version 23.0 to test four (4) formulated hypotheses. Findings show that dimensions of social media platforms: media credibility,  interactive media, and media accessibility have a positive and significant relationship with customer patronage of insurance firms in Port Harcourt, while brand awareness moderates the relation between social media platforms and customer patronage significantly. The study concludes that users' loyalty will be increased by increasing the usage of multi-media to share their experiences. The study, therefore, recommends that marketers and managers should use social media marketing activities on Facebook properly,  by having a full understanding of how social media functions businesses should establish and maintain regular and direct contact with present and potential customers in order to build effective brand relationships.


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Author Biographies

E. J Opuene, Department of Marketing

Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt

D. G Ademe, Department of Marketing

Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt


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How to Cite
Opuene, E. J., & Ademe, D. G. (2022). SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS AND CUSTOMER PATRONAGE OF INSURANCE FIRMS IN PORT HARCOURT: MODERATING EFFECT OF BRAND AWARENESS. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(04), 102-112.