Keywords: Christian understanding, religious understanding, world religions, culture, theology.


This study focuses on examining the divergence between the Christian understanding of religion and the religious understanding of Christianity. The Christian understanding of religion is characterised by internal theological principles and beliefs specific to the faith, which includes but not limited to the divinity of Jesus Christ, the authority of the Bible, and the concept of salvation through faith. This perspective emphasizes practices and rituals central to Christian life, including worship, moral teachings, and community activities. It also encompasses doctrinal frameworks and eschatological views that shape how Christians live out their faith. Conversely, the religious understanding of Christianity involves a broader, external analysis of Christianity as it fits within the global context of world religions. This perspective includes the historical development of Christianity, from its origins in the early Church to its contemporary manifestations. It also involves a comparative study of Christianity’s beliefs and practices relative to other major religions, examining similarities and differences in theology, ritual, and social impact. Employing the methods of critical analysis and hermeneutics approach, this paper also considers the cultural and societal influence of Christianity, including its role in shaping societal norms and its interactions with other religious traditions. Reflecting on these two perspectives, the research aims to provide a view of how Christianity is understood both from within the faith itself and from academic and interreligious perspectives. This dual approach showcases the complexities of religious identity and interfaith dialogue in a nuanced global context.


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How to Cite
Chukwuma-Offor, D. A. M. (2024). THE CHRISTIAN UNDERSTANDING OF RELIGION AND THE RELIGIOUS UNDERSTANDING OF CHRISTIANITY: A HERMENAUTICAL TRAJECTORY. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 7(06), 74-82.