Keywords: Creativity, Machine Translation, Human Translation, Post-Editing Translation


This study assesses the significant impact of post-editing on translators’ creative decision-making in the translation process.  The main concerns revolve around the quality of the final translation product and the freedom of the translator to exercise creativity in post-editing as opposed to relying on direct theMachine Translation output.  While some peers easily adapt to this era, others consider machine translation as an enemy that will eventually overpower human translation. The study adopts a qualitative, descriptive, a metanalytic approach using a cross-sectional case study design that makes use of a questionnaire, an ex-post facto/quasi-experiment to assess creative translation craftmanship in MTPE and HT. To assess the expectations and attitudes towards machine and post-editing translation platforms, thestudy draws its insights  from creativity translation literature andthe interpretive theory in translation studies.  The study posits that preserving the artistic and cultural nuances of the source text, while allowing the translator’s creative input to shine is a crucial factor in translation and is also an essential element in perpetuating human translation. The results of this study have implications for the development ofthe creative potentials of professional and trainee translators.


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How to Cite
George Mbotake, S. (2024). A POST-EDITING TURN IN TRANSLATOR EDUCATION: TOWARDS A CREATIVE CRAFTMANSHIP IN TRANSLATION. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 7(05), 137-170. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12291161