Legal Philosophy: The Meaning of Wise and Wise Social Justice in a Contemporary Philosophical Perspective

Legal Philosophy: The Meaning of Wise and Wise Social Justice in a Contemporary Philosophical Perspective

  • dzaky Fadillah Rahman University of Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Sidik Sunaryo University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Keywords: Social Justice, Legal Philosophy, Wisdom, Washatiyah, Samahah


Social justice is one of the main pillars of legal philosophy which requires deep and wise interpretation. This journal explores the concept of wise and prudent social justice from the perspective of contemporary legal philosophy, with a focus on the values ​​of wisdom (washatiyah), mental morality, transcendental spirituality, diversity (samahah), social morality, and cultural spirituality. Through qualitative research methods with literature studies, this study analyzes the main works of contemporary philosophers as well as the practical implications of these concepts in the context of law and public policy in Indonesia. The study results show that the integration of these values ​​not only enriches understanding of social justice but also provides practical guidance for achieving sustainable and inclusive justice in the legal system. It is hoped that this study can provide a meaningful contribution to the development of social justice theory and practice in Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Rahman, dzaky, & Sunaryo, S. (2024). Legal Philosophy: The Meaning of Wise and Wise Social Justice in a Contemporary Philosophical Perspective. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 7(05), 116-122.